Bahamas 2023/2024

Hello All!

We’re going to be working on #bcc-mischief this summer putting her back together aiming for a winter cruise in the Bahamas this winter (2023/2024). Wondering if there are any other BCC/FC owners who’d like to meet up in the Bahamas this winter. Laying the gauntlet down early… :cowboy_hat_face:. You got to have goals! :bahamas: :bahamas: :bahamas:


There is a possibility we may sail up that way. Depends on the arm and how much work we get done this summer.

SV Angelsea


Good luck y’all! What an awesome goal!

Went to a Sam Morse meetup in Catalina Islands one time. Oh what fun! Those were the days. Good luck and have a blast.

With any luck at all we will be in the Bahamas next winter.

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