Bowsprit Netting on Nerius at Long Beach Rendezous several years ago.
Where can one get netting like this?
Netting is stocked by the following companies:
Memphis Net and Twine Co. www.memphisnet.net
Seattle Marine and Fishing Co. www.seamar.com
Both of these companies have great service and are very helpful. You may want to telephone them, then send an e-mail with a image of the bowsprit netting.
I know I jumped into this a little late but I have a .htm file of Roger Olson's sprit netting plan if you are of a mind to weave your own. I would be happy to send it to you if you wish. Let me know............whitewings@charter.net
PS Rod’s suggestion for commercial netting would sure be a time-saver.
Subject to Roger’s approval, sent it to me, and I will put it on the website.
Here's an .htm file of the netting layout. I cannot imagine Roger would object to it's being posted for BCC owners. He has always been a good sharer. If he does, I guess I would have to fly to Panama and apologize in person over several cervezas. You will note that the instructions from the first to the second diagram have to overlap to be read.........I goofed when I scanned it.
Here's an .htm file of the netting layout. I cannot imagine Roger would object to it's being posted for BCC owners. He has always been a good sharer. If he does, I guess I would have to fly to Panama and apologize in person over several cervezas. You will note that the instructions from the first to the second diagram have to overlap to be read.........I goofed when I scanned it.
Here's an .htm file of the netting layout. I cannot imagine Roger would object to it's being posted for BCC owners. He has always been a good sharer. If he does, I guess I would have to fly to Panama and apologize in person over several cervezas. You will note that the instructions from the first to the second diagram have to overlap to be read.........I goofed when I scanned it.
PS…I attached it from the appropriate page…don’t see an attachment to this message…let me know if I need to re-send.
You can’t attach an html file - that attachment software only allows image and zip files. I would recommend you e-mail it to me, jcole@coledata.com