Has anyone installed dinghy chocks on the cabin top? I have a new nesting dinghy that I want to carry on the cabin top and I’m looking for suggestions/ideas as to how best to mount the chocks. I notice that the Pardy’s Taleisin has bronze mounting brackets for their chocks.
Hi Gary,
Which nesting dinghy did you go for, and what size?
I was hoping to find a way to fit one over the scuttle hatch, but I guess that in order to fit over the hatch, the assembled dinghy would have to be very big.
Did you look at this option?
We have a Two-Paws (Cat Paws) nesting dink that stores on our foredeck. The dink is stored nested and upside down. The dink’s midships transoms fits in chocks on the scuttle hatch. I built feet on the front forward transom-bow (pram), such they rests on the foredeck aft of the Samson posts. This allow water to run easily under the dink. The pram’s dimensions are: 8 ft long and 44" wide.
The nesting dinghy I purchased is a NestingLite NN10-II, which is 10’ long when assembled and 58" long nested (www.nestinglite.com). I literally just purchased the dinghy, and have not even had a chance to see where it would best fit on the BCC. My preference would be to carry it on the foredeck, but I doubt that will be possible, in which case I will carry it on the cabin top.
I am going out to my island property (where I keep my BCC) tomorrow for about 1 week, at which time I will explore the options.