Elizabeth Update: Mast Stepped

Just wanna keep my BCC friends up to date on the progress… I’m pretty darn excited, if you couldn’t tell…


from a fc acquaintence- just let me say SWEET!

jo anne ross
falmouth 26-7

the dream comes true, tally ho! Well done Ben she looks some good.

Hi Ben , just know that you continue to amaze us with your re-fit progress, as we see , soo much accomplished in sooo short a period , of a time.

The more that you know your boat, the more safety factor, that you have , we all hope that you enjoy your boat and effort, as much as we all enjoy, ours !

We just, are Sooo privledged to own , such amazing , boats , Douglas

Hi Ben,

She looks really nice. May I ask about your website? Its as nice as your boat also. What are you using? Wordpress? Something like that?

Mark Gearhart
s/v Godspeed

well, I got out for a sail today… what a treat it was. Nothing broke.

Mark, the site is running wordpress and I just used a free template, and modified it slightly. I highly recommend wordpress, I use it alot for a wide variety of sites, very versatile platform, yet easy to use.

Pics of the first sail…