granite paving tile price

G603, in other names of silver grey, Padang light, sesame white, and etc. is originated from China. It is a granite of fine grains combined white and grey colors. This is a very popular and well-known stone which is commonly used in exterior spaces. G603 silver grey granite paver or small cube creates a naturally strong and beautiful pavement. They are the perfect choice if you are looking to pave ground of plaza, landscape, garden, patio, walkway, or driveway.
SXD offers to clients an extensive range of different sizes, surfaces and edges.
These G603 granite paver can be arranged in straight, arc or curved lines to create different visual effects. Moreover, by mixing these cubes with other colours of cubes, you can create beautiful patterns and designs.

We offer choices below to clients.
flamed bush hammered picked split tumbled chis elled sandblast sawn polished
Size (CM)
Length 8 ~ 20
Width 8 ~ 20
Thickness 2 ~ 10
customized sizes available
+/- 1 ~ 5 mm tolerance
It varies according to different finishes on surface and edges.
Solid wood crate strong for truck and ship transportationgranite paving tile price
website:China Granite Paver Suppliers - Wholesale Granite Paver - Sanxiangda