Gulf Coast BCC owners

Are there any BCC owners currently living on the Texas gulf coast? We are ending a seven year cruise and would like to bring the boat ashore for an extended refit and prep for next splash. The plan is to truck Whisper to the Dallas area and work on her there while we help family. I will be single-handing the boat up from Ecuador and will arrive in the Galveston area. We know nothing about the area and could use someone with local knowledge to help with reccomending marinas, transport, etc. Any input is appreciated and will be justly rewarded with Ecuadorian brandy, tall stories, doctored photos, etc. Cheers everyone, Ray

Ray, I kept Godspeed at the Kemah Harbor Marine for almost 2 years. Its right and the inlet into Clear Lake, right off Galveston Bay. Excellent marina. Lots of friendly livaboards. I believe they have a website, and for a local contact
you might try Russ and Carol Birchfield. They also kept their BCC there, but
sold her several years ago. Maybe someone on this list could provide contact
information for Russ and Carol.

Mark Gearhart
s/v Godspeed