Hurricane Isabel

I have been in touch with a couple of people about how they fared during last week’s blow certainly as close to a hurricane as we want to be again. Calypso (BCC #6) was on the hard in Deltaville, Virginia, which caught the eastern edge of the storm here in Charlottesville we had the eye!!! Boat was fine, although the yard’s prep (and accessibility for owners to prep) was less than stellar. One boat in the yard did fall over, and a nearby marina suffered dock damage as well as had a boat sunk at the docks.
Would love to hear from all folks affected by the storm and how they did (and boats, of course). Some interesting discussion as to how this will affect the bay environmentally, which will just have to play out in time. Tangier island crabbers have been hit extremely hard, doubly so as many of them had no insurance.
Some areas of the Bay are still without power, and are expected to be so for quite a while (I heard mid-October from a friend who lives in Irvington). Makes me thank our lucky stars.
Hope everyone did okay.