Anyone on their boat today with a tape measure? I am looking for the distance between the two stern hawse holes (Sam Morse BCC).8 ft mas o menos? Anyone ever installed and or deployed a Jordan drogue on a BCC? Would welcome your thoughts or comments.
David Kent
Rose 76
Hi David,
I would rather heave to, than run. One reason is you can’t always run if you have a lee shore staring you in the face.
I think the Jordan Drogue has become popular because most boats are not built strong enough in the bow to deal with the loads involved. But this is not the case with the BCC. One of the BIG reasons I love a BCC.
The bits in combination with the hook in the butt end of the bow sprit was all designed for towing. As they did back in the heyday for pilot cutters.
you drop your hawser over that and it’s not going anyplace. Perfect for a sea anchor!
I will be back on my boat later today. If no one has answered by then, I’ll measure for you.
6 feet