Long links in messages (was Re: Re: BCC Mintaka II is for sale)

Hi Gary, et al.

You did correctly paste that URL into the message. The problem was that
really long URLs tend to word wrap in many e-mail readers. When the
recipient clicks on the URL in the message, they only get the first bit of
it, before the line break. Then, because the link is incomplete, it
doesn’t work. One thing you can do to minimize, but not eliminate the
problem, is to put URLs on their own line. This limits the chance that it
will wrap.

For anyone who gets a really long URL that has wrapped, the best solution
is a copy/paste into your word processor so you can get it on one line.
Then you can copy/paste into your browser or click on it in your word

Thom Dyson
Director of Information Services
Sybex, Inc.

On 3/23/02 7:40:14 AM, “ggalpaugh” <ggalpaugh@yahoo.com > wrote:

I’m not computer
literate enough to know how to create a simple link in a message. So,
thanks again.
