Looking For Sails

Hi All,

I’m looking at building my cruising sail inventory and thought why not ask BCC owners if they have any for sale.

I’m looking for tanbark/tanbark-like:

Genoa- roller furling luff tape size 5 or 6

and an
asymmetrical cruising chute

Condition should be 7/10 minimum and the seller will need to export them to Japan.

Warren Fraser
sv Voyager of Yokohama

Hello Warren

Had some used tanbark ( Elliot Pattison ) sails but they were in poor condition.
Donated them to Sumio. I think it may be a reach to find Tanbark sales used that are worth the effort in your situation. There is an outfit in Annapolis MD that handles used consignment sails. Maybe someone here on the forum can come up with the name.
Best to you
SV “Lightfoot”

116 Legion Ave
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 263-4880

Yeah that’t the one

Yeah that’t the one

Thanks for the pointers Mark and John. Bacon Sails has a huge inventory of compatible jibs but no mains.

My thinking for this post was to keep the spending in the family, as it were, and as quite a few BCCs are flying tanbarks, some owners may have sails they wish to sell. I am also open to regular sails (main, genoa, staysail, asymmetrical, drifter, reacher and storms) as well, realizing tanbarks are not that common.

Warren Fraser
SV “Voyager of Yokohama”