Monitor Wind Vane & Tiller Pilot

Has anyone interfaced a tiller pilot with a Monitor Wind Vane?
I am looking for information and photos demonstarting and describing
how this is accomplished and how well it works under different
weather conditions.

     Yes there apparently is a very sucessful way to do so, but unfornunately I too am awaiting the details.  Some friends saw such a tiller pilot to monitor arrangement on a BCC is Cabo.  The connecting pieces came form Downwind Marine in San Diego.  I ordered the two small pieces ($25) but have not yet either seen a picture of where to mount the tiller pilot etc and have not yet given it enough serious thought.  The basic theory is that the tiller pilot mounts on the taffrail and moves the lead weight on the monitor.
     As an aside, I used the tiller pilot connected to the tiller when ever we motored on the trip down the California coast and on down to Bara de Navidad, then back up into the Sea of Cortez.  The electronics in the tiller pilot worked fine, but at two separate times the cup that the pilot sits in and then the pin on the tiller itself broke.  So it would be nice to have a second set of attachment options.  Hopefully somebody else will specic information (pics?) for us both about the how to set this all up.
BCC "Odyssey"

"Steven J. Osborne" wrote:
Has anyone interfaced a tiller pilot with a Monitor Wind Vane?
I am looking for information and photos demonstarting and describing
how this is accomplished and how well it works under different
weather conditions.

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If you get any additional information I would appreciate you forwarding it to me.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [bcc] Monitor Wind Vane & Tiller Pilot

     Yes there apparently is a very sucessful way to do so, but unfornunately I too am awaiting the details.  Some friends saw such a tiller pilot to monitor arrangement on a BCC is Cabo.  The connecting pieces came form Downwind Marine in San Diego.  I ordered the two small pieces ($25) but have not yet either seen a picture of where to mount the tiller pilot etc and have not yet given it enough serious thought.  The basic theory is that the tiller pilot mounts on the taffrail and moves the lead weight on the monitor.
     As an aside, I used the tiller pilot connected to the tiller when ever we motored on the trip down the California coast and on down to Bara de Navidad, then back up into the Sea of Cortez.  The electronics in the tiller pilot worked fine, but at two separate times the cup that the pilot sits in and then the pin on the tiller itself broke.  So it would be nice to have a second set of attachment options.  Hopefully somebody else will specic information (pics?) for us both about the how to set this all up.
BCC "Odyssey"

"Steven J. Osborne" wrote:
Has anyone interfaced a tiller pilot with a Monitor Wind Vane?
I am looking for information and photos demonstarting and describing
how this is accomplished and how well it works under different
weather conditions.

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