Monitor Windvane

Hello to all,
I recently removed a Monitor windvane from a BCC.  It is in very good condition except for a few dings in the bottom brace.  It is complete ready to install under the boomkin. Mounting bolts provided.  Extra drive chain and parts.  Will take any reasonable offer. 
I also took my Dahon Helios folding aluminum bike off my boat.  Just don't have the room.  It is new with fender and double pack racks. 
Please email me direct as I do not want to use this site as a swap meet.

Hi Roger,
The whole family is in Traverse City, Michigan.
We are spending about a week here with Karen’s aunt
helping fix up and repair her mobile home. I saw your
listing on the bcc net. Where did the monitor come
from and what kind of price do you think it is
probably worth. It would be fun to have one on our
boat to mess with and learn how to work it, but since
we are not planning any long trips for a couple of
years, I probably need to just hold off unless…
We wil be checking the email here at the library
every day and would love to hear about what went on in
San Carlos.
Will write more later
— Roger Olson < > wrote:

Hello to all,
I recently removed a Monitor windvane from a BCC.
It is in very good condition except for a few dings
in the bottom brace. It is complete ready to
install under the boomkin. Mounting bolts provided.
Extra drive chain and parts. Will take any
reasonable offer.

I also took my Dahon Helios folding aluminum bike
off my boat. Just don’t have the room. It is new
with fender and double pack racks.

Please email me direct as I do not want to use this
site as a swap meet.


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