My Shakedown Cruise

Well, made it back from my little cruise to shake the boat down. All went well, except my Monitor rudder release lever broke off the first time I tried to use it. I found water in my stbd lockers, which I think is from leaky chainplates. I lost raw water prime every time I went to start the engine, but finally checked my strainer and it was full of weeds, impeller was Ok. All else went as expected!

Love the boat, she sails very well, and powers thru waves very nicely. I’m looking forward to my cruise to Maine in a few weeks.

I posted my pics from the trip:

Video is coming soon…

Well I got the first part of the video done… not all that exciting, and I messed up the sizing AGAIN… but it’ll pass with a C-.

Awesome video. Reminds me of the old Chamois days. Anyway, congrats on the trip. Cant wait to see more videos. Keep em coming.



The video looks like a great shakedown cruise. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Always great fun to watch your BCC video. Maybe a folder in the gallery could provide links to other BCC videos out there.
BCC Odyssey

Yeah there are alot of them on youtube now, from Mandy and the BCC in Alaska (I forget the boats name now).

I just posted part 2 of my cruise – nuthin’ too exciting happens in it though (except for my typo – that’s exciting).

Ben Yves Ge’lina Benjiwood:

Thanks for posting part 2 of your shakedown cruise. Do you plan to install a furling system for the jib? The old salts did not call the bowsprit “the widowmaker” for no reason. I would prefer a hanked on jib but we decided we would compromise sail shape in favor of safety. In the interest of safety you may want to consider an auto inflatable PFD. When I single-hand, I always wear an inflatable PFD. After spending years working with chemical company, it is difficult not to think safety after all my years of safety training.

Fair Winds,


No plans to install a furling system yet… waiting to hear more from Gary as he tests his set up in more severe conditions etc… Hopefully Ill get to see it and sail it first hand this winter. I like the concept though, but its low on the priority list right now.

I do have a few auto inflate PFD’s … was talking about that the other day, and my carelessness for not wearing one. Tisk Tisk.

But there’s that wonderful film by Irving Johnson, “Around Cape Horn” from which a line runs through my head… “Safety – Never heard the word!”