Port Side Pilot Berth Slider

We are currently returning Freelance to a standard interior layout.
The BCC construction manual has very little information regarding the port side pilot berth other than the rough ply cuts.
We were hoping some one out there would be kind enough to post a few photos of the slide details on each bulkhead.

You’re referring to the port side pilot berth, with the option that allows the lee board and base to slide in-board to deliver a double berth that is 50" wide, right?

I’ve browsed through my library of pics. And discovered that that is a feature I’ve never photographed. I’ll check later this week if Meryl has a pic.

If no one else can supply photos and specs, give me a reminder in October and I’ll do my best.


My pilot berth (and one rail) is currently removed for refinishing. See the attached pictures. Let me know if you need any further details, photos or measurements.


My pilot berth (and one rail) is currently removed for refinishing. See the attached pictures. Let me know if you need any further details, photos or measurements.


Thank you for the quick replies.
As always this forum and its members have the answers.
That is all I need to continue work.
Freelance is out of the water again,preparing for the Japanese offshore vessel inspections.
Planing on heading south after the typhoon season this autumn.
I have attached a picture of Freelance’s old layout.

Wah! Very impressive graphics.

I’m glad that Dioscouri was able to help with pics of the pull out base and the slide for the port pilot berth.

Have you been in contact with Sumio? He’s currently cruising around Kyushu. Expected back in port around 22 August.



Hi Bil

The graphics are from a magazine article done on Freelance when she arrived in Japan.
I am in contact with Sumio and chatted just before he left on his latest trip.
He has been a big help, usually fielding a phone call from me most weeks, always desperate for info.
I have another question on the slider…
The outboard edge of the slider stays up on the permanently fixed cabinetry rather than hanging via the ends, I guess?
This creates a step in the surface?
Is this fixed with a thicker cushion or with another piece of ply to drop in?
We just installed a new Kobelt remote,its has a gorgeous finish, can’t wait to see how well it operates.


Yes, you are correct - there is a slight “step” due to the slider being slightly higher than the fixed part of the berth. Once the cushions are in place (the port settee cushion is used in the slide-out part of the berth), the “step” is not noticeable.

Dioscuri (#064)