A couple of years ago I replaced a defunct Plath with a Ritchie
Navigator and have no complaint with it. Large enough card to be
easily readable, well damped, and the LED light is not to dim, not
too bright. The cost was way less than the Plath. I’ll leave the
“integrity” issue to others - visually it is at least ok to my eye.
Get a cover for it so that the plastic bowl doesn’t yellow over time.
(Itchen - BCC #73)
On 4/30/06, BCC Forums bccforums@samlmorse.com wrote:
Author: jhcurtiss
Username: jhcurtiss
Subject: Compas Replacement?
Forum: BCC Forum
Link: http://www.samlmorse.com/forum/read.php?5,5203,5203#msg-5203My bulkhead mounted compas on Dulcinea #66 is old, scratched and difficult to read. What is the best bulkhead mount compas to get in order to preserve the integrety of the boat, be best for function in Big waters and long cruises, easiest to read day or night?