I pulled Itchen’s bobstay fitting a few years ago because I was
worried by rust stains and what I thought might be the beginnings of a
crevice corrosion crack but which turned out to only be a knife
scratch. I had a local machine shop polish it out and refresh the weld
while he was at it, and then I reinstalled it with extra attention to
getting a good seal where it penetrated the hull, to minimize the
likelihood of oxygen-starved crevice corrosion. Bottom line was that
in fact it was perfectly sound – but I now am confident that it is,
and it is good not to have that worry in the back of my mind. Was not
too big a job once I had all the stuff cleared out of the forepeak. I
used a Fein Multimaster to accurately and quickly cut away the
original fiberglass bond to the hull. In my opinion, rust stains in
themselves are not much of an indication on way or the other of
significant damage to “stainless steel” - crevice cracking and
inter-granular corrosion are the real danger, and there is lot’s of
literature available online regarding the particulars.
sv/Itchen - BCC #73
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 7:51 PM, BCC Forums bccforums@samlmorse.com wrote:
Author: Ron Thompson
Username: Ron Thompson
Subject: Bobstay fitting rust stain
Forum: BCC Forum
Link: http://www.samlmorse.com/forum/read.php?5,11816,11816#msg-11816For awhile now I have noticed a rust stain bleeding from the bottom of the bobstay fitting. That indicates to me there is some internal corrosion going on under the fiberglass. It can not be inspected from the inside of the boat as it is completely sealed with fiberglass. My question is how concerned should I be about this. Has anybody had a similar problem. I remember Ben on Elizabeth replaced that fitting. I am tempted to ignore it as a minor issue but not sure if something much more serious is lurking within that fitting.
Ron Thompson
Ho’okahiko 97