Re: Think Sailing...what pic?????

I show no photo either. And I’m getting pretty tired of having to
click through the full page Yahoo ad’s that pop up when trying to
read the messages.

What is so wrong with the Cole web site anyway? If there is a
negative side to it I can’t see it…like photos here, I can’t see
them either.

Jeremy sent me an e-mail explaining that if you don’t have messages
e-mailed to you from the Yahoo! site then you cannot receive the
images as they are not kept on the server.

The new website is almost ready to go: I have one more piece of code
to write, and, when I have heard back positively from Jeremy that he
will moderate, I will launch it.


— In , “Stan and Barbara Roeder”
<waxwingers@y…> wrote:

I show no photo either. And I’m getting pretty tired of having to
click through the full page Yahoo ad’s that pop up when trying to
read the messages.

What is so wrong with the Cole web site anyway? If there is a
negative side to it I can’t see it…like photos here, I can’t
them either.