Swifter stays

On my FC#8 I have swifter stays that are attached to a tang 2/3 the way up the mast (at the point where the stay sail stay would be attached if my boat had one which it does not) and they go forward to a point of attachment on the deck just forward of the mast (pics are on the FC site under Jaquelina). All other stays are per the std. FC set up.

Art of Hookies boat is the only other FC I have seen with additional stays forward of the std. stays, in this instance the points of attachment are chain plates forward of std. set.

My question is are these stays necessary. I am going to replace my wooden mast with an aluminium mast (one less item to varnish etc - anyone interested in buying the wooden one?). Last year a guy that was interested in buying my boat asked Brion Toss about the stay arrangement on my boat and Brion thought they were a waste of time and to get get rid of them.
Thanks for any advice anyone might have.

ps any reccomendation as to a mast manufacturer?