
Hello Guys,
During my charter of Sentient out of Anacortes last year, we were about to leave Friday Harbour in the San Juans when to my surprise - just as we were about to slip the lines, another BCC came in to his mooring there.

The guy on board was a fairly elderly fella called Tom, and hails from Colorado.
The boat was called Tarquin.

Anybody know anything about him or the boat?
I’m pretty sure the name has been the same for several years, but she doesn’t show up on any of the lists.

He kindly let me see over the boat which was in great condition and beautifully finished.

I meant to send him a letter addressed to 'Tom, BCC, Friday Harbour Marina - but never did.

We also met Tarquin at Nanaimo and at Montague I last summer. Otto (Pete) and Mary Bartoe are based in Clark, CO. Back in 1980, Tarquin’s first owner Fred Nammaker took us out for our first sail on a BCC, and we ordered Shaula the next year.
Try oebartoe@gmail.com
Dan Shaula BCC #59

Thanks Dan - I’ll try that address.
where did I get the name ‘Tom’ from I wonder… :slight_smile: