Thoughts about engine descaling?

Being as I have no idea about the age and care of my engine I have been thinking about “Descaling”.
I like what I have read about Rydlyme, would welcome feedback.


Semper Fi

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Well, I was hoping I would get some feed back and experience from others about descaling.
After removing the water pump I got my answer. The steel bits that hold the pump to the engine had turned to “Cheetos” . I was able to get the studs out of the motor (TG) but the studs in the pump housing broke off flush, not sure how to get these out?

I’ve found directed heat does wonders to break rust free. That and soaking in PB Blaster.

Unless you have a shop to work in I would recommend taking your parts to an automotive machine shop. They can blast, soak and then extract the bolt ends and chase the threads. It appears there are a couple bleeders to get air out of the system. You will want them to restore those too.

To my eye, the insides look good.

More water pump and cooling updates:
I took the diaphragm off of the engine last night. It was installed backward The writing out. I’m guessing with proper installation and cleaning this should work wonders.


Semper Fi

I did the RYDLYME yesterday. I set up a bucket and recirculating pump arrangement. I let it run for 2 1/2 hours. At 1st the return flow back into the bucket was about 1/2 of what was going in, by the end it was flowing very well. The RYDLYME turned into chocolate milk, with quite a bit of dirt in the bucket.
When I ran the engine I got a lot of stuff out the back of the boat and much more water than before. My temp gauge starts at 130f and never moved. I feel like this was a good thing and am happy. (Time will tell)


Semper Fi