Watch Commander

Some years ago, while I still had my BCC, I had on board a " Watch Commander ". ( ) It was a small electronic safety alarm designed to help keep anyone on watch awake and alert. I used it all the time and thought it a valuable addition, particularly on extended passages.

When I sold my boat I removed the device thinking I’d install it on my new boat. To shorten a long story… I got ill and never bought another boat and doubt that I ever will. So I have the device but no longer have a need for it.

If anyone would like to have it they’re welcome to it for the cost of shipping. ( It’s very light ) Just let me know and I’ll get it off in the mail to you.

Love to have if no one else has beat me to it? Just let me know how you want to be paid?


Hello Paul,

You were first to ask. It’s yours.


Thank you! How would you like me to send you the shipping costs?

Hi Paul,

If you’ll send me your mailing address I’ll box this thing up and get it in the mail today.

Not to worry about the shipping cost. Can’t be more than a couple of bucks. We can worry about that later…or not.


I sent my address to your gmail account.