Who was asking about a Bowsprit Platform?

I see August Dame has one…


Hi Ben , it was me ! I was fortunate enough to see August Dame’s Bow Pulpit Platform, back in 1996, and thought it was designed and constructed, well .

T Y for sharing that photo with us , do you have any more piks of that platform ?


If I were thinking about a platform on a bowsprit, I would probably build a new bowsprit with a tapered square cross section then build the platform around it. My choice of materials would be quarter sawed Douglas fir and bronze fastenings and bronze tie rods Although it’s possible to fit a platform on a standard BCC bowsprit, fitting the knees (platform supports) to the bowsprit might be a challenge. Let me try to get more information from Rodney Davis.

August Dame is a turnkey BCC ready to make a passage when she sails again with a new owner. The boat was and is well maintained.

Fair Winds,


Ahoy Rod, T Y for that info.

I hadn’t discovered the “Jib Downhaul” rig, until 1998.

When I saw August Dame in 1996, my boat Calliste, had a Profurl roller furling unit for the Jib.

I was quite impressed with that bowsprit platform, because I had to shinny out on my bowsprit too many times already to un-do over-rides on the furling drum line, and that platform would have lessened a few very anxious moments, way out there.

Now that I have a bow pulpit and a jib down-haul led back to the mast, I hardly ever need to go out on the bowsprit anymore, so the platform is not on my current, “To Do List”, but I want that design in my file.

It sounds like August Dame might be listed for sale, some time soon ?



August Dame is listed with www.roguewaveyachtsales.com, i.e. Kate and Bernie.

Thank you for the info and photo of your traveler. BCC Mandy (http://www.sailblogs.com/member/mandy/) has a horse for their main sheet which serves as the traveler. They operate it in a similar manner to you. I am considering installing a horse or traveler similar to yours on IDUNA.

I talked to Rod of August Dame about the bow platform. A friend of his built the platform and fitted the underside supporting knees to the octagonal cross-sectioned bowsprit. Rod told me his friend was a craftsman and was able to fit all the knees perfectly. I suspect that took a considerable amount of time.

